The U.S. National Science Foundation Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NSF EPSCoR)
The U.S. National Science Foundation EPSCoR was created in 1979 to identify, develop and make the best use of a state’s academic science and technology resources.
NSF EPSCoR’s primary goals are
1. to provide strategic programs and opportunities for EPSCoR participants that stimulate sustainable improvements in their research and development capacity and competitiveness; and
2. to advance science and engineering capabilities in EPSCoR jurisdictions for discovery, innovation and overall knowledge-based prosperity.
By improving research infrastructure and increasing the capability of scientists to compete for mainstream programs, NSF EPSCoR is dedicated to building high-quality, university-based research and education infrastructure capable of supporting a strong and stable economic base into the 21st century.
In 2003, the National Science Foundation awarded the United States Virgin Islands it’s first EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII) grant. Now in our fourth award cycle, the cumulative benefits of NSF EPSCoR funding are felt in countless ways. To learn more about the impacts of this funding, we encourage you to take a moment to read our newsletters, our blog and, watch our 2021 Annual Conference presentations.
The Virgin Island’s Established Program to
Stimulate Competitive Research (VI EPSCoR)
VI EPSCoR has been an NSF EPSCoR jurisdiction since 2003.
The overarching vision of VI-EPSCoR is the development of the U.S. Virgin Island’s scientific capacity and its ability to support economic growth. We aim to increase the quality and volume of nationally competitive research and grow a STEM-educated workforce to meet the challenges facing our islands.
We aim to accomplish these goals by strengthening the Territory’s physical and human resources through investments in capacity for marine and environmental research, policy making, education, outreach and, enhanced partnerships between researchers, policy makers, educators, and the broader community. We recognize that the health our marine and environmental ecosystems are of vital importance to a healthy and sustainable future for the Territory.
To accomplish our Vision we conduct research that informs natural resource management decisions; improve research infrastructure; increase student participation in STEM activities; and build community partnerships to leverage NSF investments.
Research Highlights
Education and Workforce Development Highlights
Research Highlights ☆ Education and Workforce Development Highlights ☆
Marine Science Highlights
The critically endangered Nassau grouper population is recovering thanks in part to intensive spawning research and community awareness campaigns.
VI-EPSCoR researchers were uniquely positioned to provide rapid response to the introduction of the deadly Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease on USVI reefs.
VI-EPSCoR researchers are conducting cutting edge research on coral thermal stress and investigations on deep-water coral resiliency.
Acoustic telemetry provides an increased understanding of marine animal movement patterns
The establishment and maintenance of coral nurseries and out-planting activities to regrow the threatened elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata) has created citizen science opportunities and increased an understanding of best practices for coral restoration.
Increased community awareness of and support for critically endangered sea turtles.
UVI’s Technical Diving Program is recognized as a world leader by the American Academy of Underwater Sciences.
Tons of trash are removed from mangrove shorelines through The Great Mangrove Cleanup campaign and community partnerships.
Formal & Informal Learning Highlights
Teacher partner Ms. Michaelrose Ravalier was named the 2020 Teacher of the Year.
Mangrove exploration is accessible via 360 photos.
Service learning connects students to STEM Education.
A partnership with University Bound exposes students to STEM fields liked to VI-EPSCoR research themes.
A collaboration with Youth Ocean Explorers and Virgin Islands Marine Advisory Service provide hands-on, field-based learning to expose VI youth to marine sciences and other STEM disciplines.