Scientists Offer A Glimmer of Hope With Strategies For Saving Coral Reefs
It is likely that coral reef interventions will soon be available for use in the USVI to support the survival of coral reefs in the face of thermal stress, disease, pollution, and ecological change.
Crucian Kyle Jerris Investigates Major Marine Science Questions At UVI
Growing up on the beaches of St. Croix, Kyle’s interest turned from sand to sea at an early age. Now, Kyle has made hundreds of scientific dives, has grown into an experienced field researcher, and is about to earn his Masters of Marine and Environmental Studies degree from the University of the Virgin Islands.
Magens Bay Arboretum Gets Some Help From UVI Masters Students
The Magens Bay Arboretum suffered extensive damage from Hurricanes Irma and Maria. The Magens Bay Authority, who manages the Arboretum, has approached UVI for help to determine the best course of action for cleanup and restoration.
Service Learning and Hurricane Recovery: A Reflection
AmeriCorps alum, Dr. Michele Guannel, revisits the spirit of service by bringing UVI students outside the classroom to contribute to real-time disaster recovery in Science 100, the course on natural disasters and local ecosystems of the Caribbean.